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Summer might not quite be here yet, but with the snow finally being replaced by clearer skies and warmer winds we’ve now got the chance to get outside without having to wrap up in countless layers of clothing. ...

If you do a search on the app store you’ll find an app for nearly everything. Expectant mothers haven’t been left out when it comes to apps! ...

Most parents find that getting their kids back on track with the school schedule is a difficult job. It is challenging to get the little ones back into a routine after the holidays. During the summer holidays, the kids stay up late watching TV, and are basically free to do what they want when they want to. Here is a checklist of very simple changes you can make...

Teenagers are known to have expensive needs and wants, but you do not need to break the bank when it comes to letting them have what they want. Here are a few ways to help you to help them and learn how to work with money correctly. Making sure that your kids learn the life skills that they need to be productive adults is very important. How pocket money should work Pocket...

Travelling with children can be a very stressful situation for both you and your kids. It is sometimes a lot more stressfull when you are going on a holiday, because they are very excited and tend to ask a million questions while you are trying to get to your destination. It is worth it when you do eventually arrive at your destination and can start relaxing and...

When it comes to children and their eating habits, there can be many challenges. Some little ones may be very fussy when it comes to food, and others may eat a lot one day and almost nothing the next. If you think that your child is not eating healthy enough, then you will find these tips very valuable. Be the good role model If you want your children to eat well...

Effective parenting includes everything starting from making sure that your children are fed well to developing them as independent thinkers as well as hard working citizens. There is nothing like “an absolutely best way to effective parenting”. This is because children that grow up without following strict bedtimes but are encouraged to do well at school might...

Babies require a non-infected environment, devoid of contaminants, germs, and disease, in which they can grow up. To ensure this, new clothing and bottles have to be sterilized before the first use and should be kept free of germs and stains over the entire period during which they are used. Maintenance of the baby’s supplies is challenging for parents who have to maintain a clear balance between effective cleaning and protection of the baby’s tender skin. It would be best to use gentle cleansing agents and natural products...

The tummy ache causes a lot of discomfort to the baby and may even interfere with its sleep. The reasons as to why infants experience stomach ache may include colic, reflux, lactose intolerance, gastroenteritis, gas, constipation or a block in the intestine. Other symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting may show up based on the actual cause of pain. You need to know...

In order to grow strong and healthy, children need to have a balanced diet. The clue to having a balanced diet is to include a variety of healthy foods so that children get all the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that their bodies need for growth, to build healthy bones and maintain strong muscles and a healthy weight. The balanced diet for children must consist...

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