How To Clean Your Baby Supplies

Posted on Apr 5 2013 - 1:24am by Rena

How To Clean Your Baby SuppliesBabies require a non-infected environment, devoid of contaminants, germs, and disease, in which they can grow up. To ensure this, new clothing and bottles have to be sterilized before the first use and should be kept free of germs and stains over the entire period during which they are used. Maintenance of the baby’s supplies is challenging for parents who have to maintain a clear balance between effective cleaning and protection of the baby’s tender skin. It would be best to use gentle cleansing agents and natural products to maintain cleanliness as well as keep away the baby from harsh chemicals.

Keeping Bottles and Utensils Clean

Steps involved in keeping your baby’s utensils clean are listed below.

Step 1

All new bottles, nipples, and utensils have to be sterilized before first use. To do this, place these items in either a baby bottle sterilizer or boil them in water in a covered utensil for about 15 minutes after which they can be air dried.

Step 2

Every night, place your baby’s bottles, nipples, and utensils in a large bowl of warm water to which is mixed half a box of baking soda. Soak them overnight and rinse them every morning before use.

Step 3

Bottles can be cleaned quickly by placing them in water and bringing them to a boil. Place the bottle, nipple and utensils in a pot of water that has three tablespoons of baking soda added to it. Boil the water in the pot for about three minutes after which the water is cooled. The bottle can then be used as before.

Cleaning Diapers and Clothing Items

Diapers and other clothing items of a baby have to be kept very clean all of the times.

Step 1

It is a good idea to wash all new clothes of a baby to remove any chemical finishes that the fabric may be coated with. For this place all the clothing items in a washing machine and add a mild detergent plus half a cup of baking soda. Clothes can be either dried in the machine or on the clothesline.

Step 2

Remove all stains that the baby clothes may have. A baby wipe can be used for the purpose. Sprinkle the stain with baking soda before washing it.

Step 3

All dried solids should be removed from children’s diapers or clothing items before putting them for a wash.

Step 4

It is recommended that you wash the baby’s clothes with the family’s regular laundry. The detergent can be a mild and a dye free one that does not have any strong fragrances. However, all cloth diapers should be washed separately.

Cleaning Toys

Step 1

Every hard toy of the baby should be washed with hot water at least once a day.

Step 2

Hard toys can be placed in a dishwasher and cleaned using a mild dish soap liquid or powder. Ensure that the toy is wiped dry before they are handed out to the baby.

Step 3

To clean soft toys or the stuffed animals, sprinkle each of them with baking soda before placing them in a plastic bag. Shake the bag to coat the whole body of the toy with the baking soda. This absorbs the dirt and grime. Keep aside the bag for about 15 minutes after which the toy can be either vacuumed or brushed clean to remove any residue.

List of Things That You Will Need for Cleaning Baby Supplies

Bowl, Water, Plastic Bag, Baby Wipes, Sterilizing Unit, Pan, Mild Laundry Detergent, Baking Soda, etc., among others.

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