How a Divorce Is Sometimes a Better Option for Your Children

Posted on Aug 15 2017 - 5:22pm by Charlie

Although there are countless examples where a divorce “ruined children”, it doesn’t have to be that way. And yes, like stressing over a divorce isn’t enough for you, now you also have to wear a burden of your children’s future on your shoulders. Often, parents in an unhappy marriage can be miserable together and children can sense this tension. In order to try and make things right, it’s sometimes best to go ahead with the divorce. Perhaps some couples could benefit from contacting the attorneys at Sisemore Law, for example, to file for a divorce.

A divorce doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your children’s happiness. There are some signs one spouse can manifest such as spending way too much money, being an addict of any kind, being ambitionless etc. that can damage your children way more than a divorce ever could. Here are some of the ways your children can benefit from a divorce. If you and your current partner are thinking or talking about getting a divorce for the benefit of your children, you may want to look into family law services as shown on Peters And Mays website as well as others.

“Stay together for the kids” marriages make children misunderstand what love is

Children learn by observing what is going on around them. If their parents are constantly fighting and showing no affection or intimacy towards each other, they will get the idea that this is how marriage is supposed to work. And so, as the child grows up, they may experience difficulties with dating and relationships, or might decide not to get married at all.

It is important that you consult with a reliable lawyer so everything goes smoothly without any unnecessary drama. If you are living near Sydney, try consulting reliable family lawyers in Parramatta.

More one-on-one time

Co-parenting after a divorce is extremely important for children. Some co-parents claim that their divorce made them both more involvement and hands-on parents. The kid who is in a shared custody situation will develop a strong relationship with both parents much more than a kid who is raised by a single parent. Also, kids that are co-parented spend much more one-on-one time with each parent.

Everyone will be happier

Even though you may think a two-parent household is a key to happiness – it is not. A key to happiness is actually financial security. Let’s face it – the thing that causes the most stress is definitely money, and when a child lives in a clean home with their favorite food, toys and of course lots of love, they will be perfectly happy. Of course, this isn’t about being wealthy – it is about being able to keep their tummies full and their bodies clothed.

Their communication skills can improve

This doesn’t mean that you and your ex-spouse should turn your child into a messenger – you two also need to communicate with each other. Living in two households can do wonders for your child’s communication skills, especially if there are piano lessons, dance class, soccer games etc. involved. In order to be able to keep up with all that, you need to communicate.

Also, it is reported by The National Institutes of Health that children of divorce often open to communication through different workbooks, projects, stories, drawings etc. because they need and want to communicate.

They become stronger

Believe it or not, children are strong and resilient. Through their parents’ divorce, they will learn that life is full of obstacles and issues, but that all of them can easily be solved. And despite the significant problems associated with divorce, more than 70 percent of children of divorce grow up into well-adjusted adults that have no problems building and maintaining close relationships with other people.

So, don’t worry. Even though a divorce is a sticky subject, be there for your child, be mature, show them love and they will be just fine.

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