Five Tips For Being A Healthy Mum

Posted on May 16 2016 - 2:18pm by Charlie

Most people realize the importance of good health just on a general basis, but if you are a parent it is even more important for you to be in good health. The healthier you are the longer you can, hopefully, be around for your children. Plus, when you live a healthy lifestyle around your children you are teaching them to be healthier as well.


If you aren’t really sure how to live a healthy lifestyle, or you think it’s too difficult to know how to actually be healthy, here are some tips that will help motivate you, and help you see that it’s not too difficult to be healthy if you just put your mind to it.

Get Regular Checkups

Getting regular checkups and health screenings can lead to early detection of some major illnesses, including cancer. Early detection could save your life, from things like colon cancer or lung cancer. You’ll need different types of test, which are recommended at certain ages.

If you are lucky enough to work for a company that has introduced employee health screening (learn more here) into their business to ensure the health of staff, then you should take advantage of this. It is your health on the line, after all. As a woman, you’ll also need regular PAP appointments and mammograms. You need to check with your doctor on recommended checkups, as women of different ages can need them less or more often.

Play With Your Kids

You may not realize it, but playing with your child is a great way to stay healthy. Laughter is great for your health and so is playing tag. Whether you’re getting the cardio or a mood boost, you are doing great healthy things for your body and mind.

Get Your Exercise

If you child isn’t very active you’re probably going to want to fit in a normal exercise routine to your day as well. You need to stay active so you can keep up with all of the cooking and housework, and running your child between band practice and karate.

Regular fitness is great for your heart, lungs, and the rest of your body. Start hiking each day, join a local gym, or simply use the treadmill in your own living room.

Eat Right

A healthy diet will not only ensure that you get the vitamins and nutrients you need in order to be a healthy and happy parent, but eating right in front of your child will teach them healthy eating habits as well. Eat for hard and brain health.

If you are overweight, consider a diet. Obesity increases your mortality rate, so losing a few pounds will keep you in your child’s wife a little longer.

Have A Hobby

Having a hobby will give you something to do on your own as a break away from the kids. You can use that hobby as a way to relieve stress, cure boredom, or just get into your own little zone for a break time.

Your health and happiness are both important if you want t be a great parent.


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