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Arr Matey! So your son or daughter has picked the chosen theme for their next big birthday party and the theme is…Pirates! Pirates make a great theme because there is so much diversity when it comes to the direction you want to take in organising a party. A pirate themed party is even good for the whole family, as it is not hard to find suitable roles and costumes for mum and dad to get into! Pirate parties provide a huge scope of opportunities to use your imagination with building up the nautical scenery, creating lots of fun games...

Stretch marks are unsightly lines on the skin; they can be caused by a number of reasons, the primary one of course being pregnancy. Other reasons include a sudden growth spurt in children and teenagers. Stress, weight gain and loss and some people also get stretch marks from hereditary factors. Stretch marks typically appear on the stomach, arms, thighs and buttocks but are also known to appear in some other areas. Your skin is made up of three layers. The Epidermis, the outer visible layer. The Dermis the middle part of your skin and...

Fertility can be an emotive subject for many. But, increasing your chances of having a baby does not have to be a stressful time. Being able to conceive is important for many. So, you need to explore your options. It’s vital that you try a mix of natural and medical options. That way, you can ensure that you are maximising your chance of conceiving. Let’s take a look at ways that you can increase your chances of having a baby. Step 1: Take Stock of Your Diet Diet is one of the most important factors in increasing your chances...

Getting our kids to move is important. But, they often find that some sports are just not for them. When they are at school, they are often encouraged to take part in sports that are meaningless to them. But, if you want to make sure that your child is the sporty, athletic type, there are some ways that you can encourage their love of the great outdoors. Not every child wants to be a footballer. On the contrary, there are some amazing sports that your kids will love. It’s all about discovering their passions and what they want to...

We all know how much children love to play in the open air. They are still young, and so exploring and learning how to get on with others is essential. There are many things you could do to create a cool area for them to enjoy in your back garden. Our suggestions are sure to make them happy, and they aren’t going to break the bank. At the end of the day, you don’t want your kids to grow up scared of climbing trees and getting a little dirty. So, you must provide means of encouragement when it comes to them playing outside. Giles Clark Build...

(Photo credit) In today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find the time for family activities, but doing so is important. While you may have a hectic work schedule or lifestyle, it is vital that you make time to connect and have fun with your children. Studies have suggested that family time can help to boost children’s self-esteem and improve their social development. As well as creating stronger family relationships. If you struggle to find time to spend with the kids, reserve a few hours a week for family time. If possible,...

link to image Gaming is one of the things that most of our kids just love to do. Children of all ages are now learning how to use handheld gaming devices and tablets. Whilst initially this raised a few eyebrows with parents, it has actually begun to gain positive comments. Tablets and apps have been introduced that not only allow your child to have fun, but also to learn at the same time. Becoming technology savvy is an essential part of our children’s futures. We might not always want them to spend hours on end playing games, but there...

Becoming a parent for the first time is utterly amazing. There is no experience like it, and it will change your life in countless ways. You’ll go from only having yourself to think about, to having another little person depending on you for constant love, care and support. It is a change that comes so naturally, but one that can also bring times of worry. Parent life doesn’t come cheap or easy. No matter how hard you save, or how prepared you might think you are, there will be unexpected outlays. New school books, a last minute school...

For some women, pregnancy is the most wonderful time in life. Nine months of helping new life grow and come into the world. Being able to nurture and nourish your little bundle is so special. You and you alone can keep little one safe and warm and secure until they are ready to come into the world and see you for the first time. For other women it is nine months of pain and discomfort, hormonal torrents of emotional outbursts and sheer exhaustion twenty-four hours a day. Every pregnancy is different just like every baby is different. You...

As a parent I consider myself extremely lucky. I know that I am fortunate to have the family that I do and I count my blessings every day. On the blog today I wanted to cover a little about those who have not yet fallen pregnant. I know that it can be a difficult subject to talk about. I also know that the medical profession has a whole host of treatment options out there. As scary as it can be, if you have been trying to get pregnant and have been unsuccessful after 12 months then make sure you see your doctor. There are often small underlying...

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