Becoming environmentally friendly is a great way to help our planet. Turning to renewable energy sources, using public traffic instead of a car, or buying eco-friendly products are just some ways you can contribute to our planet’s preservation. If you’ve always wanted to become eco-minded but you didn’t know how, or you thought it would cost you a fortune ‒ worry not, because this guide will help you go green without breaking the bank. ...

Now when technology provides you with everything at your fingertips, it is rather difficult to get bored like we once used to. There is no longer the excuse of not being able to find anything to do because there is always so much around. There is something for everyone! E-books for the readers, platforms like Arkadium for the online game lovers, social media channels for the socially inclined, and tv shows and movies galore for everyone! If you are on a tight budget and can’t (or don’t want to) go out to enjoy yourself, here...

The love food hate waste campaign estimates that an average of 700 worth of food is thrown away by UK families every year. ...

It may surprise you to hear but the UK has no minimum legal age that a children can be left alone. As parents, you are the best placed to make a judgement on your own child’s maturity and ability to adapt and deal with tricky situations. It can also be a scary thought though, you should make sure of a number things security wise before you do it, for instance, getting in touch with a Marietta locksmith or similar to make sure all your doors and windows are safe and secure. However, this is not just it! There can be scenarios when...

Working from home requires a good amount of will power, even if you don’t have a family. It’s definitely not for everyone. Getting up and making yourself go to ‘work’ when work is just a different room in your home is quite tough and staying focused once you’re there is even harder! Imagine then adding your young family to the mix, who you want to spend all your time with and who equally don’t understand why mummy or daddy is sitting on their own and not spending time with them. Heartache city! ...

Often a garage will offer a pre-examination of your car before an MOT, this is sometimes offered free of charge, but more often than not you will be charged an additional fee for it. ...

Finding someone great to watch your kids when you can’t is probably one of the biggest challenges as a parent today. If it’s not a close family member or friend, how do you find someone reliable who can watch your kids in your absence? ...

According to World Health Organization more than 4 million people die from illnesses caused by household air pollution, and approximately 3 billion people use open fires and simple stoves that burn biomass for cooking and heating their homes. Around 3 billion people use solid fuels, such as wood, coal, and crop wastes, for the same purposes, which results in high levels of household air pollution, especially in homes with poor ventilation. Therefore, it goes without saying that this issue is far too serious to be neglected. Fortunately,...

Becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful experiences that can happen to a woman.  There is a sense of empowerment and an overwhelming satisfaction that comes from knowing that you hold the life of a little creature in your hands that loves you unconditionally. ...

Recent innovations have led to a trampoline design that finally fulfills longstanding consumer demands for higher levels of safety. Traditional trampoline designs have resulted in millions of injuries over the years with pediatricians and chiropractors issuing numerous warnings. Now, a new design is entering the market, and these trampolines are not only safer – they’re smarter. ...

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