Most people think of Las Vegas as a place for gambling and a wild nightlife for adults.  That is true, but there is also a lot to do for kids as well.  Here are some tips for entertaining the kids on a trip there, but ways to still have some adult time for yourself. ...

This article has been removed due to a dispute between the site owner and the marketing agency who contacted me on behalf of their client. ... The latest statistics published in 2012 indicate that 42% of marriages in the United Kingdom will end in divorce. That’s a pretty damning figure, isn’t it? It’s also indicative of how much grief can be caused when children are involved. Divorce is an upsetting time for everyone involved, but the more you can minimise the effects on your child, the better. While you need to take time to mourn the loss of your marriage, it’s important to have your children’s interests in the forefront of your thinking....

Often, us mums spend most of our time focusing on our children, instead of ourselves. Of course, that’s a good thing – every parent knows that the kids should always come first. Sometimes, however, it’s nice to treat yourself for a change. If you’ve got a bit of spare money and a couple of free days, why not use them to revamp your bedroom? The chances are that your room is probably looking a little worse for wear, am I right? Well, now is the perfect time to give your bedroom an upgrade, adding style and luxury,...

As any divorced parent will know, while there are plenty of benefits of co-parenting, it’s rarely easy. Working with your ex, to ensure that you both have the opportunity to be in your kid’s lives is important. However, it can also be incredibly difficult. Putting aside your own problems to successfully share custody of your children can seem impossible. However, while co-parenting can be stressful, it doesn’t have to be that way. Believe it or not, you can develop an amicable relationship with your ex, for the sake of your kids. By...

A vacation is something that every member of the family looks forward to. Mom and dad get the opportunity to take some time off work, while the little ones have the opportunity to visit a location that they probably have not been to before. If you are planning a trip, you also know that it can be stressful to get everything together in the days and weeks before the trip. Following a few simple steps can help alleviate that stress and get your vacation off on the right foot. ...

It doesn’t matter if you are planning for a night away or a full blown family vacation. Travelling anywhere with your baby requires thorough planning. It can throw some daunting challenges at you. But with some simple organisation and planning beforehand, these can be avoided. Here are some essential tips on how to make any journey with your baby stress-free. One thing we all like to feel when travelling is comfortable. Babies are no exception. Making your baby comfortable and relaxed should be a top priority. Any sign of stress...

Do you remember your first big themed party as a child? Dressing up to look the part, greeting all your friends at the door kitted out in their costumes? Checking out the goody bags, the themed cake, and the piñata that was designed specifically for your party? In some cases it can be a real shame that these sorts of parties are only widely accepted when you are throwing them for children, when in reality the urge to have themed parties can continue well into your 20s and 30s and sometimes even 40s, 50s and 60s! ...

Whether you have been searching for weeks on end, trying to find the perfect gift, or you’ve only just started looking through different websites, it can become a long and arduous process finding a heartfelt gift. From small trinkets to more expensive sculptures, glass can make a beautiful gift for your loved one, no matter how young or old they may be. It is just important that you choose the right class gift for your relative, and we can help make your decision! ...

Food preparation, cleanliness, and safety are core lessons any child will need to learn, yet most parents don’t feel confident that their kids are learning enough about them in school. Here are a handful of kitchen-related activities you can take on with your child.   Image by Stephanie Sicore via Flickr Today it seems that most educational institutions are more concerned with preparing our children for the workforce than preparing them for self-sufficient and healthy living. Budget cuts have reduced cooking classes to text-books...

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